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Zeolite + Humic/Fulvic + Monatomics + High-Spin Water
Top Detoxification Solution on Earth

ZeoHeal Zeolite Humic Fulvic Acid Wayback Water Lotus

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ZeoHeal contains:
Food Grade Humic Mineral Complex
Fulvic Acid
Volcanic Zeolite (Clinoptilolite)
Angstrom Colloid Blend

· 72 Trace Minerals
· Phyto-nutrients
· Macro-nutrients
· Micro-nutrients
· High-spin Water Quick A


ZeoHeal™: by the makers of our ultimate covalent-bonded, oxygen-silver solution - BIONAID™ Trioxysilver™ Professional - now bring you the ultimate heavy metal detoxifier with a unique liquid zeolite-fulvic acid compound for effective and safe deep tissue cleanse of all contaminants. It is the only liquid zeolite available that is an accelerated formula. Our liquid zeolite is in a high spin, monatomic state and removes fluoride from the body. Most other zeolite formulas can only claim to chelate - our accelerated, high-spin + monatomics, liquid zeolite is the only formula that chelates (detox) and clathrates (safe electrical caging of metals) to safely remove heavy metals. Also, our proprietary glacial water process features the most advanced system known to science and produces the best quality liquid zeolite available. ZeoHeal surpasses setbacks of other liquid-only zeolite products by adding the fulvic acid, minerals, monatomic minerals in a high-spin water base. In addition, the technologies used in Bionaid are also included in this product.
You may find it enlightening that Medical Research, information from the Journal of Applied Biomedicine, the effects of pH and Cancer, Studies on Humic/Fulvic Acids and a liquid zeolite study on autism, regarding zeolite and fulvic acid themselves combine outstanding results. Others claim to have the only product that removes
fluoride and aspartame. However, ZeoHeal does exactly this and more!

Each Zeolite purchase comes with Wayback Water 2oz. upgrade bottle!
We always provide the latest Wayback Water. 
Only add a few drops to any ZeoHeal bottle.
A $10.00 value and a massive increase in intracellular hydration factor -in other words- absorbability in the body!
Use a few drops per ZEOHEAL bottle to increase potency and

4-in-1 Major Benefits

Zeolite- natural zeolite mineral, world’s greatest detoxifier
Oxygen- disease killing oxygen and energy enhancer
Minerals- angstrom size ionic humic/fulvic minerals for DNA & cellular repair
Energy- frequency enhanced process

ZeoHEAL, with multiple oxygen enhancers and Wayback Water, super oxygenates the blood and works like ionic minerals, phyto-nutrients, macro & micro nutrients. Proprietary geometric photon laser enhanced processes make it work better & faster than other zeolite products.

This amazing cellular ZeoHEAL all-in-one formula helps your body maintain optimum alkalinity, proper normalized pH levels and helps supercharge your immune system so it can defend your body against a broad range of bacterial infections, chronic conditions and viruses. It helps your body remove cancer triggers, lower cancer markers, lower tumor markers, and lower disease markers in the blood. It helps support a strong immune system and reduces toxic overload by removing toxins, chemicals & heavy metals. It's patented process also removes pesticides, herbicides, chemicals, toxins, heavy metals & even drug residues!

ZeoHeal™ is a natural fast-acting super detoxifier.

It is safe to use: ZeoHEAL comes from the only ore supply that's been approved as safe for consumption by humans. In addition, it has been processed in such a way that it can never withdraw necessary minerals or elements from your body — only the harmful ones. In fact, it actually helps to re-mineralize your cells.

100% Pure Clinoptilolite: ZeoHEAL
is composed 100% of the zeolite subgroup called "clinoptilolite" — the type of zeolite that has generated such amazing results in laboratory testing.

It is chemical free: ZeoHEAL
is processed without chemicals. Through a natural, proprietary process, concentrated organic humic acid molecules have "naturally digested" the zeolite, holding it in permanent suspension. ZeoHeal is chemical-free, no chemicals, solvents or heat-treating methods are used in our proprietary natural holistic manufacturing process.
It has maximum bioavailability: Because the humic acid in ZeoHEAL
is in organic, interdimensional form, and because the zeolite is actually suspended in the humic molecules, 100% of ZeoHEAL is carried into the cells.

It has reverse-aging properties: Because ZeoHEAL
uses interdimensional humic acid to carry the zeolite to your cells, the anti-aging properties of organic humic acid "come with." There is no substitute for organic humic acid to revitalize our cells and reverse cellular degeneration.

What makes natural intracellular ZeoHEAL
in humic acid better than other major brands of zeolite? Many other brands use chemicals and solvents or heat treatment methods to process their zeolite into a liquid form. Natural intracellular ZeoHEAL utilizes the newest most advanced manufacturing process of using humic acid (a highly regarded organic medium) which enables the zeolite to penetrate cell walls.

FDA Disclaimer
This information is intended for educational purposes only.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  

These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Anyone suffering from any disease, illness or injury should consult with a physician.


ZeoHeal is a Dietary Supplement. Testimonials on this website do not imply that similar results will happen with your use of our products. The testimonials are not intended to recommend any supplement as a drug, as a diagnosis for specific illnesses or conditions, nor as a product to eliminate diseases or other medical conditions or complications. We make no medical claims as to the benefits of any of our products to improve medical conditions.

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